Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We at always strive for securing your data. All the personal data such as product images, profile pictures, and random photos stored in your drive remain protected in our feed. We don’t disclose the privacy of clients and use it reasonably. Therefore, we keep our words by not sharing the information of clients with any third party. If someone uses the platform Reverse Image Search, it means the person has directly approached our transparent services.

Many users become worried while sharing online data. Thankfully, our platform assures the safety of every single piece of information that a user contributes through a search box. As per the privacy law of the US, we strictly follow the ethical standards and rules at the time of accepting client’s data. To maintain the level of our image fetching services, we never leave any doubt that can confuse a user. To become a part of our picture finder community, carefully read the privacy policy instructions.

Information Collection

It is the phase when someone shows interest to be a part of our image hunting group. Whenever a user enters our free reverse photo search territory, he/she becomes our valued client. Whatever information we collect from clients never goes viral. Nothing is hidden from users, as we have developed a transparent system. No matter if a person shares his/her personal and non-personal information, we only fetch data that the user uploads intentionally.

Use of Data

The use of data is another crucial point of our privacy policy. Many users feel stressed because of the misuse of data by the employees of All the respected clients who appear in Reverse Image Search should not worry at all. There is no chance to share your information with third parties, as employees are not allowed to do this. Further, data gets removed from the server automatically as soon as the user leaves the site.

Security of Data

Security of data is one of the most essential points of our policy. We aim to take the necessary steps to keep things confidential in our massive database. Undoubtedly, the transmission of data has never been a reliable way over the web whether users follow the wireless or wired system. No one can give a guarantee of data security at different image finder platforms. To satisfy our clients, we at always use industry-standard encryption that is known SSL certificate.

Does Ever Share my Information?

Users are always concerned about the security of data whenever they are to upload it on sites like Reverse Image Search. Every single piece of information is personal for the client, so the element of fear is always there. Thankfully, is a platform that never takes the liberty of sharing data with third parties. Whatever data clients share on our platform remains 100% secure and confidential.

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